4.4 15 votes
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Exclusive Emmi Sellers (Karissa) contains 1 photo 144 videos – 15.13 GB .

Free users can unlock this album by sharing Statewins to 10 telegram groups or 20 discord servers. You can share by taking screenshot of an post where “STATE-WINS.PK” is shown, use Isabel Chavez post. Take screenshots of you posting and send proof in my telegram @statewinx . You will receive DIRECT MEGA Link for completing this task, no ad walls.

This situation is a rare occurence. It only happens if the album is unwatermarked + rare + high quality. Emmi Sellers fits three of those, this album will be unwatermarked for free users if they complete the task.

This was a bonus album that was posted only because Statewins reached 1000 unique visitors within the same day period. Learn more about this in “Read This”. If you want more great bonus albums such as this, share statewins anywhere you can and we will release content such as this whenever statewins hits 1000 unique visitors within the same day again.